why you should know your team’s enps score

Understand your employees by leveraging Employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS) - the easy-to-implement scoring system that will help you track employee satisfaction.

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As a leader, it is up to you to ensure your team is feeling fulfilled at work. Leveraging eNPS as a metric makes it easy to identify how your team is feeling - and when employees feel heard they are often happier!

Boost engagement

When employees feel included, engagement soars. By giving your team a voice, they are more willing to speak up!

Inspire innovation

Teams that effectively collaborate are able to ideate in a more meaningful way. Engaged employees are willing to think outside the box and bring forward fresh new ideas.

Improve performance

Happy employees care about the success of their team and the organization as a whole. Fulfilled employees = better performance.

Increase productivity

Engaged teams that can work well individually and collectively,  are more effective with their time and ultimately more productive.


Simple to measure

The simplicity of this metric leaves you with one number to work with. It is easy to monitor how the eNPS progresses. By using only one variable, there is no room for confusion.

Easy to introduce

The concept is easy and familiar thanks to the well known NPS score. And for those that are unfamiliar, you just want to know, if people would recommend your organization as a place to work.

Provides powerful insight

eNPS can provide a look into how your employees are feeling about their role, and the overall culture in the organization. Just a friendly reminder, this is only the beginning, working towards employee engagement is an ongoing effort.


At Cratic, take eNPS one step further. We take a deep dive into the metrics that really matter like team vulnerability, trust and familiarity.

You can gain a better understanding of your team, ultimately optimizing team performance. All you have to do is:

Set up your account

Add and invite your team

Review the results in private dashboards


Cratic is an online toolkit that builds team culture by creating open communication. The Cratic process involes two actions every week: an individual survey and a team culture huddle.

Cratic facilitates meaningful conversations between teammates to foster trust and familiarity.

Calculate your eNPS now for free!

The fast start to effective culture. Start building employee loyalty, satisfaction and engagement by measuring and monitoring eNPS.

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